Alright people! This week's rehearsal is VERY important. Everyone has to be down from 9am to 5pm.
Yes you read that right. No one is to come late this week or leave early. The reason being, we are running through the entire musical. We will be going through Act 1 all the way to Act 4. So please cancel whatever you may have planned during this time and ensure that you are present all the way through. I don't care if you have a scene on or not during that time, I still expect you to be down.
Here is the schedule:
9am- 10am: - Dance Practice for Red Indians with Colin (Involving: Kanages, Luke, Andy and etc.)
- Boogieman Song Practice with Praven (Involving: Shannen)
- Fly Away Song Practice with Prabs (Involving: Kanitha, Sameer, Henry, Sean and Cheryl)
- Mermaid Song Practice with Serena (Involving: Nicole, Melissa and Jazreel) To Be Confirmed
Everyone else, meaning the Lost Boys, Hook, Smee and extra actors, please report at 9am as well because we WILL have stuff for you to do.
10am- 11am: - Fight Scene Rehearsal by Naathan (Involving: Lost Boys, Darlings, Kanages and Pirates)
1.30pm-2.30pm: Lunch Break/ Crew Meeting
2.30pm- 4.30pm: -FULL MUSICAL REHEARSAL (ACT 1 TO ACT 4)
4.30pm- 5pm: Debrief
It's a simple schedule so please stick to it. Once again, EVERYONE is to be down at 9am and can only leave at 5pm. We are doing this because it is important that you sit through all the scenes to know how it is all coming together. The sets department will also be arranging the layout for you so that you know your acting space. Furthermore, the music department will also be playing the songs so that the crew can take down the timing for every scene so as to confirm the length of the play. Actors like Kanitha, Sameer and Kanages will have to perform whatever choreo they have learnt thus far this coming Saturday. The technical department will also be seated to confirm lighting plan and sound effects.
So as you can see, this Saturday's rehearsal is very crucial. We hope that you will comply.
See you this Saturday!

Hey Guys.
Sorry for not uploading all the vids.
its taking bloody long.
Have a great week and see yall soon.
Sorry for not uploading all the vids.
its taking bloody long.
Have a great week and see yall soon.
Rehearsal schedule for 22nd January 2011
9am- 10am: Act 2 Scene 1- Pirates Scene (ALL PIRATES TO TURN UP)- Naathan and Serena in-charge
10am-11am: Act 3 Scene 2- Pirates Scene- Serena knows of the changes (ALL PIRATES)
11am-12pm: -Act 3 Scene 4- Row Boat Scene (Serena in-charge) (ALL PIRATES)
-Act 4 Scene 1- Peter and gang trick pirates for a rowboat (Naathan in-charge) (ALL LOSTBOYS, DARLINGS AND TIGERLILY TO TURN UP!)
12pm-1pm: Lunch Break/ Crew Meeting
1pm- 3pm: Act 4 Scene 2- Battle Scene (EVERYONE INVOLVED)- Naathan and Serena I/C
3pm- 4pm: -Act 4 Scene 3- Hook's Escape (ALL PIRATES)- Serena I/C
-Act 4 Scene 4 & 5- Darlings go home (ALL LOST BOYS AND DARLINGS)- Naathan I/C
And then it's a wrap!
10am-11am: Act 3 Scene 2- Pirates Scene- Serena knows of the changes (ALL PIRATES)
11am-12pm: -Act 3 Scene 4- Row Boat Scene (Serena in-charge) (ALL PIRATES)
-Act 4 Scene 1- Peter and gang trick pirates for a rowboat (Naathan in-charge) (ALL LOSTBOYS, DARLINGS AND TIGERLILY TO TURN UP!)
12pm-1pm: Lunch Break/ Crew Meeting
1pm- 3pm: Act 4 Scene 2- Battle Scene (EVERYONE INVOLVED)- Naathan and Serena I/C
3pm- 4pm: -Act 4 Scene 3- Hook's Escape (ALL PIRATES)- Serena I/C
-Act 4 Scene 4 & 5- Darlings go home (ALL LOST BOYS AND DARLINGS)- Naathan I/C
And then it's a wrap!
"I'll Think of You" Choreo
Hello Neverlanders! Here's a short glimpse at the rehearsals that Kanitha and Sameer had with Colin and myself today. It's for the final scene of the entire musical where Peter Pan and Wendy must say goodbye.
Crunch time!
The upcoming 2 months will be jammed packed with activities and rehearsals and what not, so do your best, Don't fall sick and let's enjoy the process while we go!
This will be a very tiring period for everyone and come closer to the musical, tempers will be flared and screaming matches might even occur. But it will all be worth it! Because there is nothing more magical than watching your whole production come together and be presented on stage to a paying audience and to people who cared about you. SO stick together guys, we can make it through and try not to fall sick! Take care of yourselves (esp your voices), drink loadsa water, weather has been crappy recently so keep hydrated. I'm proud of you guys for sticking it out with us so far and we can continue doing so! so Keep your heads up guys!
Peace out!
Serena <3
The upcoming 2 months will be jammed packed with activities and rehearsals and what not, so do your best, Don't fall sick and let's enjoy the process while we go!
This will be a very tiring period for everyone and come closer to the musical, tempers will be flared and screaming matches might even occur. But it will all be worth it! Because there is nothing more magical than watching your whole production come together and be presented on stage to a paying audience and to people who cared about you. SO stick together guys, we can make it through and try not to fall sick! Take care of yourselves (esp your voices), drink loadsa water, weather has been crappy recently so keep hydrated. I'm proud of you guys for sticking it out with us so far and we can continue doing so! so Keep your heads up guys!
Peace out!
Serena <3
15 January 2011 Schedule
Alright here it is Neverlanders!
9am- 10.30am: - Red Indian Scene (Naathan)
- Pirates capture Tinkerbell scene, Pirate's scenes in Act 3 and Act 4 (Serena)
- "I'll Think of You" Recording @ Praven's house (Praven)
10.30am- 11am: Break for everyone except Kanges
10.30am- 12.30pm: Red Indian Dance Rehearsal at PCF Dance Studio with the Backup Dancers (Colin)
(After 12.30pm, Kanges to join the Mermaid's scene at the theaterette)
11am- 12pm: - Boogieman Scene (Naathan)
- Very 1st Pirate's Scene (Serena)
12pm- 1pm: Mermaid Scene
1pm- 2pm: Lunch Break
2pm- 3.30pm: - Battle Scene on Hook's Ship (Naathan and Serena) & Debrief
3.30pm- 4pm: Act 1
4pm- 5pm: Final Bedroom Scene & Debrief
Be there on time guys. Thank you!
9am- 10.30am: - Red Indian Scene (Naathan)
- Pirates capture Tinkerbell scene, Pirate's scenes in Act 3 and Act 4 (Serena)
- "I'll Think of You" Recording @ Praven's house (Praven)
10.30am- 11am: Break for everyone except Kanges
10.30am- 12.30pm: Red Indian Dance Rehearsal at PCF Dance Studio with the Backup Dancers (Colin)
(After 12.30pm, Kanges to join the Mermaid's scene at the theaterette)
11am- 12pm: - Boogieman Scene (Naathan)
- Very 1st Pirate's Scene (Serena)
12pm- 1pm: Mermaid Scene
1pm- 2pm: Lunch Break
2pm- 3.30pm: - Battle Scene on Hook's Ship (Naathan and Serena) & Debrief
3.30pm- 4pm: Act 1
4pm- 5pm: Final Bedroom Scene & Debrief
Be there on time guys. Thank you!
Hey guys!! Nicole here. This is my first time blogging here. YAY!! finally got it goes...
Firstly, you will truly be missed by me Cheryl as I think you have played the role of Tinkerbel with utmost jealousy which is good in this case. HAHAHA!!! As much as I have loved my roles as Analise and Pirate 1, I have always wanted to play Tinkerbel..that's why I auditioned in the first place, I love bel's character as she's not the typical goody two shoes fairy but a fiesty one..not that it's good but it'll be interesting.
Secondly, I would like to thank Naathan, Saras and Serena for choosing me to replace our darling Cheryl. I don't deny that it will be a challenge as I have never played a "villain" role before but I am ever ready for whatever that is coming my way. I hope I will be able to pull through the character and be just as awesome as Cheryl.
On a brighter note, we have journeyed together for a year now and it has been amazing getting to know each and every one of you. I know we can make this a success and I can't wait for everyone to see what we have worked for. 3 more months guys. LET'S GO!!!
SUPER LONG POST and Schedule for the 8th of January
Happy New Years guys!
Okay I don't know about YOU guys but i'm bored as HELL without Rehearsals..
2011 is here and so is our musical.
3 months baby!!!
Ok before i make any major announcements here's the weeks Schedule:
Mermaids plus Tinkerbell report at the Theaterette. We'll go through some refresher lines and scenes.
Idham, Kanitha and Sameer report to Saras/Praven's house for "i'll think of you" recording.
Kanages and Collin/Fiona plus the new dancers report at the dance studio for the red-indian dance.
11am - 11.30am: B R E A K
11.30am - 1pm:
Lost Boys and Pirates report to the Theaterette for scene rehearsals. Please don't ask which one...
We're doing all of 'em.
Tinkerbell, you will shift between pirates and Lost Boys. Both groups will be handled by Naathan or Saras at the same time.
1pm - 2pm: Lunch Break.
2pm - 3pm:
Pirates scenes and Red Indian Scene will run concurrently.
Sameer and Kanitha along with the Dance Department will report to the Dance Studio for "i'll think of you Dance".
3pm - 4pm: Boogieman scene.
4pm - 5pm: Act 1 refresher.
Due to an unfortunate turn of events our beloved Cheryl will not be able to carry out her role of Tinkerbell in our musical as she will be away during our staging. We all know how amazing she was but as a group we will have to wish her luck on her trip, then brag about our musical when she gets back. Cheryl will Still be coming down for rehearsals as per the usual and assist in coaching our new Tinkerbell.
The New Tinkerbell, on the other hand, will be played by non other than our very own Nicole. She will play Tinkerbell and someone undecided as of now will in turn take her role as a Pirate/mermaid.
I know you may have many questions but please wait till 5pm on Saturday before asking Naathan or his Crew. Rehearsals come first.
apart from that I have some reminders.
LOST BOYS + Darlings :
- Don't be late. You have no reason to be late as you only start at 11.30am
- Prateepan you are IN-CHARGE of getting SHAWN.
- IM, Loui and Prateepan call each other and come down on time (i repeat)
- (again) Don't be late.
- Its a long day, i know, please do not complain. If its long for you its longer for me. :(
- Please remember where you're supposed to report to and be there on time (i know, i said it again)
- Sameer, you're IN-CHARGE of getting shaanan down on time.
- Remember to practice your lines in-front of a mirror. ALL OF YOU!! :)
Apart from that you guys have a good week ahead.
I'll see you guys this saturday and trust me,
i can't wait.
Happy New Years guys!
Okay I don't know about YOU guys but i'm bored as HELL without Rehearsals..
2011 is here and so is our musical.
3 months baby!!!
Ok before i make any major announcements here's the weeks Schedule:
Mermaids plus Tinkerbell report at the Theaterette. We'll go through some refresher lines and scenes.
Idham, Kanitha and Sameer report to Saras/Praven's house for "i'll think of you" recording.
Kanages and Collin/Fiona plus the new dancers report at the dance studio for the red-indian dance.
11am - 11.30am: B R E A K
11.30am - 1pm:
Lost Boys and Pirates report to the Theaterette for scene rehearsals. Please don't ask which one...
We're doing all of 'em.
Tinkerbell, you will shift between pirates and Lost Boys. Both groups will be handled by Naathan or Saras at the same time.
1pm - 2pm: Lunch Break.
2pm - 3pm:
Pirates scenes and Red Indian Scene will run concurrently.
Sameer and Kanitha along with the Dance Department will report to the Dance Studio for "i'll think of you Dance".
3pm - 4pm: Boogieman scene.
4pm - 5pm: Act 1 refresher.
Ok guys announcement:
Due to an unfortunate turn of events our beloved Cheryl will not be able to carry out her role of Tinkerbell in our musical as she will be away during our staging. We all know how amazing she was but as a group we will have to wish her luck on her trip, then brag about our musical when she gets back. Cheryl will Still be coming down for rehearsals as per the usual and assist in coaching our new Tinkerbell.
The New Tinkerbell, on the other hand, will be played by non other than our very own Nicole. She will play Tinkerbell and someone undecided as of now will in turn take her role as a Pirate/mermaid.
I know you may have many questions but please wait till 5pm on Saturday before asking Naathan or his Crew. Rehearsals come first.
apart from that I have some reminders.
LOST BOYS + Darlings :
- Don't be late. You have no reason to be late as you only start at 11.30am
- Prateepan you are IN-CHARGE of getting SHAWN.
- IM, Loui and Prateepan call each other and come down on time (i repeat)
- (again) Don't be late.
- Its a long day, i know, please do not complain. If its long for you its longer for me. :(
- Please remember where you're supposed to report to and be there on time (i know, i said it again)
- Sameer, you're IN-CHARGE of getting shaanan down on time.
- Remember to practice your lines in-front of a mirror. ALL OF YOU!! :)
Apart from that you guys have a good week ahead.
I'll see you guys this saturday and trust me,
i can't wait.
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