Alright here it is Neverlanders!
9am- 10.30am: - Red Indian Scene (Naathan)
- Pirates capture Tinkerbell scene, Pirate's scenes in Act 3 and Act 4 (Serena)
- "I'll Think of You" Recording @ Praven's house (Praven)
10.30am- 11am: Break for everyone except Kanges
10.30am- 12.30pm: Red Indian Dance Rehearsal at PCF Dance Studio with the Backup Dancers (Colin)
(After 12.30pm, Kanges to join the Mermaid's scene at the theaterette)
11am- 12pm: - Boogieman Scene (Naathan)
- Very 1st Pirate's Scene (Serena)
12pm- 1pm: Mermaid Scene
1pm- 2pm: Lunch Break
2pm- 3.30pm: - Battle Scene on Hook's Ship (Naathan and Serena) & Debrief
3.30pm- 4pm: Act 1
4pm- 5pm: Final Bedroom Scene & Debrief
Be there on time guys. Thank you!