
29 January Rehearsals

Alright people! This week's rehearsal is VERY important. Everyone has to be down from 9am to 5pm.
Yes you read that right. No one is to come late this week or leave early. The reason being, we are running through the entire musical. We will be going through Act 1 all the way to Act 4. So please cancel whatever you may have planned during this time and ensure that you are present all the way through. I don't care if you have a scene on or not during that time, I still expect you to be down.

Here is the schedule:

9am- 10am: - Dance Practice for Red Indians with Colin (Involving: Kanages, Luke, Andy and etc.)
                   - Boogieman Song Practice with Praven (Involving: Shannen)
                   - Fly Away Song Practice with Prabs (Involving: Kanitha, Sameer, Henry, Sean and Cheryl)
                   - Mermaid Song Practice with Serena (Involving: Nicole, Melissa and Jazreel) To Be Confirmed

Everyone else, meaning the Lost Boys, Hook, Smee and extra actors, please report at 9am as well because we WILL have stuff for you to do.

10am- 11am: - Fight Scene Rehearsal by Naathan (Involving: Lost Boys, Darlings, Kanages and Pirates)

11am- 1.30pm: FULL MUSICAL REHEARSAL (ACT 1 TO ACT 4)                    

1.30pm-2.30pm: Lunch Break/ Crew Meeting

2.30pm- 4.30pm: -FULL MUSICAL REHEARSAL (ACT 1 TO ACT 4)

4.30pm- 5pm: Debrief

It's a simple schedule so please stick to it. Once again, EVERYONE is to be down at 9am and can only leave at 5pm. We are doing this because it is important that you sit through all the scenes to know how it is all coming together. The sets department will also be arranging the layout for you so that you know your acting space. Furthermore, the music department will also be playing the songs so that the crew can take down the timing for every scene so as to confirm the length of the play. Actors like Kanitha, Sameer and Kanages will have to perform whatever choreo they have learnt thus far this coming Saturday. The technical department will also be seated to confirm lighting plan and sound effects.
So as you can see, this Saturday's rehearsal is very crucial. We hope that you will comply.

See you this Saturday!