Hey peter pan cast and crew!
I haven't talked about how proud I am of you guys for pulling through and making our musical an awesome show! Well that's because words fail me and people like naathan, Jazreel, Cheryl etc have worded their notes of pride so well that they said every thing that I ever wanted to say. I am indeed very proud and very happy and very grateful to each and everyone of you for putting in one whole year of hard work and tolerance and for sticking it out with us til the very end.
Anyways, It's been quite a while since our musical yea?
How about a meetup this saturday? for a lepak/ get together/ after action review/ help unpack props/ pizza/ etc :)
yes i have slipped in after action review and unpack props in there haha... but after action review is just something casual where you can let us know areas we can / need to improve on for our further productions and also to see if you are interested in joining us for future productions/gigs/performances either as a performer or a planner. :)
ALSOOOO!!! then we can settle on a date where you guys are more free then we can have our AFT NIGHT! A night of awards glitz fun dance AND AWESOME COMPANY!!!!
So please let me know if you can make it this saturday :)) You can sms me or call.. if you dun know my number by now!!! I will be emofied and go hide in a corner and cry. :)
loads of love <3

Cast and Crew, Eyes on ME.
I've been slightly lost for words.
Between the magical, excellent performance and the hollow feeling I had when i woke up on saturday, i have been rather speechless..
I suppose I should thank you guys ( note my facebook rampage)
But not here..
Not for the musical.
This was YOUR musical.
You did what you had to do.
Thank you for playing your parts both on and off stage.
Since the day my producers and I talked about Peter Pan till today all i could think of was to walk out on stage for that curtain call. Sometimes the going went hard. VERY hard. There was not a week where we did not have to deal with problems.. Money, sponsors, schedules, cast, crew, welfare, venue, transport, sets, storage and the list goes on. I've sat in my room and stared at the wall simply thinking of ways to deal with all this. Then i'd wake up on a Saturday and everything would be fine.
You have to understand this. Every time I conducted rehearsals and I saw your scenes, I forget everything else. I've lived vicariously through the lives of Peter Pan and his Lostboys, Hook and his pirates. It now feels like someone pulled the plug from my single source of solace this past year.
When you write something, you, sub-conciously, play it in your mind. This is 10 times more evident when you write a script. I cannot begin to tell you guys how it felt to see something in you mind play out EXACTLY on stage. All I could do was stare and tear when Peter and Wendy did their waltz. Thank you, Thank you for that. Some people thought I was INSANE when I told them my comic relief was my Villainous pirates. Thank you for proving all of them wrong.
I will cherish, all the times we spent together, that goes without saying.
But more importantly, I'm gonna cherish this hollow empty feeling of not seeing you guys. It will forever remind me of the most magical year of my life.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.
My beloved cast and crew.
Thank you.
I'm choking on my words and I'm not even speaking!
Many of you went beyond your duties.
I will never forget Cheryl coaching the lostboys.
Mus and Sameer helping me with fight choreography
Jazreel holding my hand when my temper flared.
Saras and Serena for bearing the blunt of all the logitics..
Countless moments when both my cast and crew helped me tie all the loose ends.
Thank you.
I am still speechless.
I am still swollen (beyond the usual) with pride.
I am a better person, because of Peter Pan Revamped.
This is not the end.
This is but the beginning.
now all that is left is this..
a question..
Between the magical, excellent performance and the hollow feeling I had when i woke up on saturday, i have been rather speechless..
I suppose I should thank you guys ( note my facebook rampage)
But not here..
Not for the musical.
This was YOUR musical.
You did what you had to do.
Thank you for playing your parts both on and off stage.
Since the day my producers and I talked about Peter Pan till today all i could think of was to walk out on stage for that curtain call. Sometimes the going went hard. VERY hard. There was not a week where we did not have to deal with problems.. Money, sponsors, schedules, cast, crew, welfare, venue, transport, sets, storage and the list goes on. I've sat in my room and stared at the wall simply thinking of ways to deal with all this. Then i'd wake up on a Saturday and everything would be fine.
You have to understand this. Every time I conducted rehearsals and I saw your scenes, I forget everything else. I've lived vicariously through the lives of Peter Pan and his Lostboys, Hook and his pirates. It now feels like someone pulled the plug from my single source of solace this past year.
When you write something, you, sub-conciously, play it in your mind. This is 10 times more evident when you write a script. I cannot begin to tell you guys how it felt to see something in you mind play out EXACTLY on stage. All I could do was stare and tear when Peter and Wendy did their waltz. Thank you, Thank you for that. Some people thought I was INSANE when I told them my comic relief was my Villainous pirates. Thank you for proving all of them wrong.
I will cherish, all the times we spent together, that goes without saying.
But more importantly, I'm gonna cherish this hollow empty feeling of not seeing you guys. It will forever remind me of the most magical year of my life.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.
My beloved cast and crew.
Thank you.
I'm choking on my words and I'm not even speaking!
Many of you went beyond your duties.
I will never forget Cheryl coaching the lostboys.
Mus and Sameer helping me with fight choreography
Jazreel holding my hand when my temper flared.
Saras and Serena for bearing the blunt of all the logitics..
Countless moments when both my cast and crew helped me tie all the loose ends.
Thank you.
I am still speechless.
I am still swollen (beyond the usual) with pride.
I am a better person, because of Peter Pan Revamped.
This is not the end.
This is but the beginning.
now all that is left is this..
a question..
HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the last week!!! and here's the schedule for the cast this week :))
7.00pm-10.00pm: Full Run with costume
Dance Rehearsal (check with colin for time to report etc)
morning : dance rehearsal ( dancers please check with colin for detailed schedule)
(Crew to bump in sets and costumes at Bugis)
1.00-4.00: Rehearsal at the cc (Naathan i/c)
4.00-5.30: Move to Drama Centre
5.40-6.00: Briefing /houserules
6.00-7.00: Dinner
7.00-8.30: Mic test
8.30-10.30: Act 1 & Act 2
10.30-11.00: Debrief and leave
9.00-9.30: Briefing for all cast and crew
9.30-1.00: act 3 & act 4
1.00-2.00: Lunch
2.00-5.00: First full run with full lights and sound
5.00-6.30: Costume, makeup, dinner
6.30-6.45 chill and prep for showtime
7.00-9.30: SHOWTIME!!!
10.00-11.00: Pack up and debrief
9.00-9.30: Briefing for all cast and crew
9.30-1.00: Song and dance run through
1.00-2.00: Lunch
2.00-5.00: full run with full lights and sound
5.00-6.30: Costume, makeup, dinner
6.30-6.45 chill and prep for showtime
7.00-9.30: FINAL SHOWTIME!!!
7.00pm-10.00pm: Full Run with costume
Dance Rehearsal (check with colin for time to report etc)
morning : dance rehearsal ( dancers please check with colin for detailed schedule)
(Crew to bump in sets and costumes at Bugis)
1.00-4.00: Rehearsal at the cc (Naathan i/c)
4.00-5.30: Move to Drama Centre
5.40-6.00: Briefing /houserules
6.00-7.00: Dinner
7.00-8.30: Mic test
8.30-10.30: Act 1 & Act 2
10.30-11.00: Debrief and leave
9.00-9.30: Briefing for all cast and crew
9.30-1.00: act 3 & act 4
1.00-2.00: Lunch
2.00-5.00: First full run with full lights and sound
5.00-6.30: Costume, makeup, dinner
6.30-6.45 chill and prep for showtime
7.00-9.30: SHOWTIME!!!
10.00-11.00: Pack up and debrief
9.00-9.30: Briefing for all cast and crew
9.30-1.00: Song and dance run through
1.00-2.00: Lunch
2.00-5.00: full run with full lights and sound
5.00-6.30: Costume, makeup, dinner
6.30-6.45 chill and prep for showtime
7.00-9.30: FINAL SHOWTIME!!!
I thought that last night’s full run was Amazing, with a capital A. I could actually feel this sense of thrill after the whole thing ended and I can’t wait for Thursday to come.
And I still cannot believe that we had our last Saturday rehearsal yesterday. It feels like a really short time had passed but we’ve been doing this for more than a year. It’s kinda saddening but who cares? We have two sets of audiences to rock this week and let’s do what we all are natural at; Being Awesome!
Love you guys and like Sameer said, let’s do this shit!
And I still cannot believe that we had our last Saturday rehearsal yesterday. It feels like a really short time had passed but we’ve been doing this for more than a year. It’s kinda saddening but who cares? We have two sets of audiences to rock this week and let’s do what we all are natural at; Being Awesome!
Love you guys and like Sameer said, let’s do this shit!
Hey guys. Sameer aka PeterPan here. Naathan aka our beloved director instructed me to put up a post in an attempt to further revive this blog. So yeah. I dont really know what to talk about so if at any point of time you find that I'm talking crap, just ignore it. Like how you ignore your siblings whenever they ask you for money. Lol.
Okay guys. Its been roughly 6months since we started rehearsals and I'm really glad to be in this musical with you people. Seriously. Though I may never tell yall this, I really admire how all of you sacrifice your Saturdays to be involved in this production. I know its not easy to do this since all of us have commitments and stuff. Throughout these 6months, I've gained new friends and also improved my friendship with the people whom I knew before this.
I know that we are nowhere near perfection right now. There are days where people dont turn up at all, cast and crew members coming in late for no particular reason. We dont remember our lines. We goof off too much. Hell, we really have hell load of problems eh??? Haha. There are days where we even wonder to ourselves why in the world we joined this musical. Why in the world are we devoting our time to a production done up by a CC in Sembawang.
Well let me tell you why.
Its cause of the end product.
I'm not saying this because I was in Cinderella but trust me guys, in the end, when everything is over and the spotlight stands to dim off the stage, we would look at this whole experience and think, "wow,we actually pulled it off."
Will we pull if off?
We will guys, we blooooody hell will. Its just that right now we are in a state where we are starting to doubt ourselves. Well, maybe not "we". But I know I do. I've never done musicals except for CR. I have little or no experience and here I am being the lead actor of a musical. Please dont mistake what I said as arrogance. You guys should know that I've never considered myself as the lead. In my eyes, we all are lead actors.(except for the fact that I'll be getting my own dressing room la. HAHAHA).
I never really got the opportunity to say this but I think yall are FREAKING FREAKING TALENTED.
From john to wendy, to the hot and sexy mermaids(lol) to the lost boys to boogeyman to tiger lily and of course my BEST FRIEND, TINKERBELL.
Sometimes I feel super intimidated to act with you guys, afraid that I would make a mistake.
My fellow cast members, please do not lose hope. Its even tougher now that the musical is postponed. That would mean more time spent in this. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you guys do not lose faith, dont lose your passion. Dont lose the adrenaline to wake up every saturday at FREAKING 7am to come for rehearsals. When you feel that the musical isnt going anywhere, do not give up.
Do not give in to whatever negativity you feel around you. This would further deter you from improving. Thats what I feel.. As cast members, lets show them crew what we're made up of.
Like what I always love to say: NEGATIVITY+ POSITIVITY= PROSPERITY
There's a huge difference between a team and a group.
Right now, we are a group.
I hope in time to come, we will be united enough to be a team.
I'm not writing this because Naathan told me to.
I'm not writing this because I'm the lead actor of the musical.
I'm not writing this because I'm a devoted member of AFT.
I'm writing this because I'm a 17year old kid who loves performing on stage. Though I'm not perfect, I love what I'm doing. On weekdays, I'm just one of the engineering students over at Singapore Polytechnic. I sleep during lectures sometimes, skip classes. Then when Friday comes and my school ends, I'm really happy.
Because the next day is Saturday.
And Saturday is the best day in the week for me.
Its coz other than the fact that I get to meet up with my HOT GIRLFRIEND AKA SACRLETT JOHANSSEN, I get to go for musical rehearsals. Something which I really enjoy doing.
Lets crank this shit up man!!!!
I thought of writing an entry but I was really lazy to do it so I decided to browse through our archives. I stumbled upon this post and thought it was only ideal for me to re-post it.
Well guys,its been quite a journey,hasnt it? We started out about a year ago and next week's the performance. I am really excited for it and I'm sure you guys are too!
Alot has changed since I posted this entry. We have improved by heaps and bounds,no doubt. I'm no longer studying in Singapore Poly. Haha. But I guess the only thing which has remained the same is the bond we have for each other. A year ago, we went through the auditions as strangers and now a year on, we're here, ready to take on drama centre, as a family.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for sticking by AFT and believing in this project. I'm really really really glad to have known all of you guys and I sincerely hope you guys would still be around after PeterPan ends. I would also like to apologise to all of you if I have offended you in anyway possible throughout this year. So please forgive me. Sometimes I say things without thinking but yeah. I'm sorry~ haha. :)
One more week guys.
Lets do this shit!
Okay guys. Its been roughly 6months since we started rehearsals and I'm really glad to be in this musical with you people. Seriously. Though I may never tell yall this, I really admire how all of you sacrifice your Saturdays to be involved in this production. I know its not easy to do this since all of us have commitments and stuff. Throughout these 6months, I've gained new friends and also improved my friendship with the people whom I knew before this.
I know that we are nowhere near perfection right now. There are days where people dont turn up at all, cast and crew members coming in late for no particular reason. We dont remember our lines. We goof off too much. Hell, we really have hell load of problems eh??? Haha. There are days where we even wonder to ourselves why in the world we joined this musical. Why in the world are we devoting our time to a production done up by a CC in Sembawang.
Well let me tell you why.
Its cause of the end product.
I'm not saying this because I was in Cinderella but trust me guys, in the end, when everything is over and the spotlight stands to dim off the stage, we would look at this whole experience and think, "wow,we actually pulled it off."
Will we pull if off?
We will guys, we blooooody hell will. Its just that right now we are in a state where we are starting to doubt ourselves. Well, maybe not "we". But I know I do. I've never done musicals except for CR. I have little or no experience and here I am being the lead actor of a musical. Please dont mistake what I said as arrogance. You guys should know that I've never considered myself as the lead. In my eyes, we all are lead actors.(except for the fact that I'll be getting my own dressing room la. HAHAHA).
I never really got the opportunity to say this but I think yall are FREAKING FREAKING TALENTED.
From john to wendy, to the hot and sexy mermaids(lol) to the lost boys to boogeyman to tiger lily and of course my BEST FRIEND, TINKERBELL.
Sometimes I feel super intimidated to act with you guys, afraid that I would make a mistake.
My fellow cast members, please do not lose hope. Its even tougher now that the musical is postponed. That would mean more time spent in this. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you guys do not lose faith, dont lose your passion. Dont lose the adrenaline to wake up every saturday at FREAKING 7am to come for rehearsals. When you feel that the musical isnt going anywhere, do not give up.
Do not give in to whatever negativity you feel around you. This would further deter you from improving. Thats what I feel.. As cast members, lets show them crew what we're made up of.
Like what I always love to say: NEGATIVITY+ POSITIVITY= PROSPERITY
There's a huge difference between a team and a group.
Right now, we are a group.
I hope in time to come, we will be united enough to be a team.
I'm not writing this because Naathan told me to.
I'm not writing this because I'm the lead actor of the musical.
I'm not writing this because I'm a devoted member of AFT.
I'm writing this because I'm a 17year old kid who loves performing on stage. Though I'm not perfect, I love what I'm doing. On weekdays, I'm just one of the engineering students over at Singapore Polytechnic. I sleep during lectures sometimes, skip classes. Then when Friday comes and my school ends, I'm really happy.
Because the next day is Saturday.
And Saturday is the best day in the week for me.
Its coz other than the fact that I get to meet up with my HOT GIRLFRIEND AKA SACRLETT JOHANSSEN, I get to go for musical rehearsals. Something which I really enjoy doing.
Lets crank this shit up man!!!!
I thought of writing an entry but I was really lazy to do it so I decided to browse through our archives. I stumbled upon this post and thought it was only ideal for me to re-post it.
Well guys,its been quite a journey,hasnt it? We started out about a year ago and next week's the performance. I am really excited for it and I'm sure you guys are too!
Alot has changed since I posted this entry. We have improved by heaps and bounds,no doubt. I'm no longer studying in Singapore Poly. Haha. But I guess the only thing which has remained the same is the bond we have for each other. A year ago, we went through the auditions as strangers and now a year on, we're here, ready to take on drama centre, as a family.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for sticking by AFT and believing in this project. I'm really really really glad to have known all of you guys and I sincerely hope you guys would still be around after PeterPan ends. I would also like to apologise to all of you if I have offended you in anyway possible throughout this year. So please forgive me. Sometimes I say things without thinking but yeah. I'm sorry~ haha. :)
One more week guys.
Lets do this shit!
Fight Scene!
Ok guys.
Fight scene.
Ok Trust me when i say this, the fight scene is not as complicated as it sounds. All you need is to understand the concept of it and understand your role and position. Above all, all you need to do is PAY ATTENTION.
As it is, all of your have been seperated into your pairs/groups for fighting. There are all in all 6 groups.
They are:
Group 1: KC/Luke
Group 2: Idham / Mel
Group 3: Kanages / Hadassa
Group 4: Jazz / fuzzy / wuzzy
Group 5: Smee / John
Group 6: Wendy / Nicole
Simple, Groups that are underlined will end in the lostboys winning. Groups not underlined will end with pirates winning. Groups that are highlighted will enter the stage fighting and travel all the way across the stage, and eventually exit the stage. So far so good?
Tinkerbell, Michael, Bala and Chubb Chubb you guys are involved in Part 1 and Part 2 respectively so pay attention
Ok here's the tricky part. I've split the entire fight scene into 3 parts. I will explain in detail when each group will enter and exit the stage. Positions on stage will only be told to you guys on saturday, so don't worry. Please remember when and where your groups have to enter and exit. Ok here goes:
Part 1 (Groups 1,2 and 3 + Tink and Michael)
The finale fight scene starts with the pirates and Lostboys charging each other upon Hook and Peter screaming "charge!". Everybody rushes toward each other. Groups 1, and 2 take up positions on stage and prepare to fight. Hook and peter will start to fight at this point. Group 1 and 2 will start their fight choreography. Group 3 enters the stage and crosses the entire lenght of the stage while doing their fight choreography. Kc beats luke and is pointing his sword at the pirate, who is slowly moving back towards the curtains. Idham loses to Mel and is on the floor. Just as Mel is about to stab him he distracts her, screams and runs away. At this point Michael runs on stage trying to pick a fight with the pirates, but tink grabs him. Mel notices this and goes over to harass tinkerbel. Peter notices tink in trouble, distracts hook and rushes to tink's aid, he signals KC to take over his place battling hook and KC does. Hook is too strong for KC so KC calls for help. Fuzzy, Wuzzy and John rush out from the curtains to help KC. Part 1 ends with Peter fighting Mel offstage follwed closely behind by Tink and michael, Hook is confronted by Kc, fuzzy,wuzzy and John .
Part 2 (Groups 4,5 and 6 + Chub chub and Bala)
Hook, outmatched by 4 lostboys calls for help of his own. Smee and Jazreel run out to assist Hook. They pair up with their own groups (groups 4 and 5) and take their positions on stage. KC fights hook offstage. Group 4 start their fight choreo and Jaz eventually loses.Bala and Chubby enter the stage with chubby throwing food at bala, who in turn eats whatever is thrown at him. The duo weave through the stage and eventually leave the stage. Group 6, like group 4 enter the stage and start their fight choreo. They end with Kanitha chasing nicole off stage. By this time group 5 start their fight choreograohy and John looses. John throws sand in smee's face and retreats backstage. Just then hook enters and strides over to fuzzy and wuzzy who are poking and prodding jazz. He gets rid off fuzzy and wuzzy and yells at jaz for being weak. He then goes over to a victorious Smee and gloats for a second when peter pan rushes out. End of Part 2
Part 3 (hook + Peter + smee and eventually everyone)
Peter Rushes at hook who ducks just in time. Peter hits smee instead who passes out. Peter and Hook engage in combat. Smee wakes up to find his sword but gets the way of peter and Hook. Hook, annoyed, kicks smee (offstage) out of his way. Peter and Hook engage in a fearsome battle. They eventually climb the "deck" while battling. Eventually peter manages to defeat hook. This is the cue for the rest of the cast to enter the stage from both ends. Lostboys have the pirates conered and defeated. After the final blow peter yells "yield!" at hook and is accompanied by the lostboys doing the same to the pirates. Fight scene ends with hook and the pirates (jumpin overboard) running offstage.
I know its a lot to digest guys, but it is NOT hard. Read and MEMORIZE the parts that you are involved in first, then read the entire scene. I will go through this bit by bit ssaturday morning.
We are crossing the last few hurdles already guys. We've done SO MUCH together i can only say this fight scene is going to be too easy for us. :)
Schedule's up (previous post) so look it up, rest well and look forward to the LAST SATURDAY OF PETER PAN REVAMPED.
Boys and Girls, We're here!
Fight scene.
Ok Trust me when i say this, the fight scene is not as complicated as it sounds. All you need is to understand the concept of it and understand your role and position. Above all, all you need to do is PAY ATTENTION.
As it is, all of your have been seperated into your pairs/groups for fighting. There are all in all 6 groups.
They are:
Group 1: KC/Luke
Group 2: Idham / Mel
Group 3: Kanages / Hadassa
Group 4: Jazz / fuzzy / wuzzy
Group 5: Smee / John
Group 6: Wendy / Nicole
Simple, Groups that are underlined will end in the lostboys winning. Groups not underlined will end with pirates winning. Groups that are highlighted will enter the stage fighting and travel all the way across the stage, and eventually exit the stage. So far so good?
Tinkerbell, Michael, Bala and Chubb Chubb you guys are involved in Part 1 and Part 2 respectively so pay attention
Ok here's the tricky part. I've split the entire fight scene into 3 parts. I will explain in detail when each group will enter and exit the stage. Positions on stage will only be told to you guys on saturday, so don't worry. Please remember when and where your groups have to enter and exit. Ok here goes:
Part 1 (Groups 1,2 and 3 + Tink and Michael)
The finale fight scene starts with the pirates and Lostboys charging each other upon Hook and Peter screaming "charge!". Everybody rushes toward each other. Groups 1, and 2 take up positions on stage and prepare to fight. Hook and peter will start to fight at this point. Group 1 and 2 will start their fight choreography. Group 3 enters the stage and crosses the entire lenght of the stage while doing their fight choreography. Kc beats luke and is pointing his sword at the pirate, who is slowly moving back towards the curtains. Idham loses to Mel and is on the floor. Just as Mel is about to stab him he distracts her, screams and runs away. At this point Michael runs on stage trying to pick a fight with the pirates, but tink grabs him. Mel notices this and goes over to harass tinkerbel. Peter notices tink in trouble, distracts hook and rushes to tink's aid, he signals KC to take over his place battling hook and KC does. Hook is too strong for KC so KC calls for help. Fuzzy, Wuzzy and John rush out from the curtains to help KC. Part 1 ends with Peter fighting Mel offstage follwed closely behind by Tink and michael, Hook is confronted by Kc, fuzzy,wuzzy and John .
Part 2 (Groups 4,5 and 6 + Chub chub and Bala)
Hook, outmatched by 4 lostboys calls for help of his own. Smee and Jazreel run out to assist Hook. They pair up with their own groups (groups 4 and 5) and take their positions on stage. KC fights hook offstage. Group 4 start their fight choreo and Jaz eventually loses.Bala and Chubby enter the stage with chubby throwing food at bala, who in turn eats whatever is thrown at him. The duo weave through the stage and eventually leave the stage. Group 6, like group 4 enter the stage and start their fight choreo. They end with Kanitha chasing nicole off stage. By this time group 5 start their fight choreograohy and John looses. John throws sand in smee's face and retreats backstage. Just then hook enters and strides over to fuzzy and wuzzy who are poking and prodding jazz. He gets rid off fuzzy and wuzzy and yells at jaz for being weak. He then goes over to a victorious Smee and gloats for a second when peter pan rushes out. End of Part 2
Part 3 (hook + Peter + smee and eventually everyone)
Peter Rushes at hook who ducks just in time. Peter hits smee instead who passes out. Peter and Hook engage in combat. Smee wakes up to find his sword but gets the way of peter and Hook. Hook, annoyed, kicks smee (offstage) out of his way. Peter and Hook engage in a fearsome battle. They eventually climb the "deck" while battling. Eventually peter manages to defeat hook. This is the cue for the rest of the cast to enter the stage from both ends. Lostboys have the pirates conered and defeated. After the final blow peter yells "yield!" at hook and is accompanied by the lostboys doing the same to the pirates. Fight scene ends with hook and the pirates (jumpin overboard) running offstage.
I know its a lot to digest guys, but it is NOT hard. Read and MEMORIZE the parts that you are involved in first, then read the entire scene. I will go through this bit by bit ssaturday morning.
We are crossing the last few hurdles already guys. We've done SO MUCH together i can only say this fight scene is going to be too easy for us. :)
Schedule's up (previous post) so look it up, rest well and look forward to the LAST SATURDAY OF PETER PAN REVAMPED.
Boys and Girls, We're here!
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