Hey guys. Sameer aka PeterPan here. Naathan aka our beloved director instructed me to put up a post in an attempt to further revive this blog. So yeah. I dont really know what to talk about so if at any point of time you find that I'm talking crap, just ignore it. Like how you ignore your siblings whenever they ask you for money. Lol.
Okay guys. Its been roughly 6months since we started rehearsals and I'm really glad to be in this musical with you people. Seriously. Though I may never tell yall this, I really admire how all of you sacrifice your Saturdays to be involved in this production. I know its not easy to do this since all of us have commitments and stuff. Throughout these 6months, I've gained new friends and also improved my friendship with the people whom I knew before this.
I know that we are nowhere near perfection right now. There are days where people dont turn up at all, cast and crew members coming in late for no particular reason. We dont remember our lines. We goof off too much. Hell, we really have hell load of problems eh??? Haha. There are days where we even wonder to ourselves why in the world we joined this musical. Why in the world are we devoting our time to a production done up by a CC in Sembawang.
Well let me tell you why.
Its cause of the end product.
I'm not saying this because I was in Cinderella but trust me guys, in the end, when everything is over and the spotlight stands to dim off the stage, we would look at this whole experience and think, "wow,we actually pulled it off."
Will we pull if off?
We will guys, we blooooody hell will. Its just that right now we are in a state where we are starting to doubt ourselves. Well, maybe not "we". But I know I do. I've never done musicals except for CR. I have little or no experience and here I am being the lead actor of a musical. Please dont mistake what I said as arrogance. You guys should know that I've never considered myself as the lead. In my eyes, we all are lead actors.(except for the fact that I'll be getting my own dressing room la. HAHAHA).
I never really got the opportunity to say this but I think yall are FREAKING FREAKING TALENTED.
From john to wendy, to the hot and sexy mermaids(lol) to the lost boys to boogeyman to tiger lily and of course my BEST FRIEND, TINKERBELL.
Sometimes I feel super intimidated to act with you guys, afraid that I would make a mistake.
My fellow cast members, please do not lose hope. Its even tougher now that the musical is postponed. That would mean more time spent in this. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you guys do not lose faith, dont lose your passion. Dont lose the adrenaline to wake up every saturday at FREAKING 7am to come for rehearsals. When you feel that the musical isnt going anywhere, do not give up.
Do not give in to whatever negativity you feel around you. This would further deter you from improving. Thats what I feel.. As cast members, lets show them crew what we're made up of.
Like what I always love to say: NEGATIVITY+ POSITIVITY= PROSPERITY
There's a huge difference between a team and a group.
Right now, we are a group.
I hope in time to come, we will be united enough to be a team.
I'm not writing this because Naathan told me to.
I'm not writing this because I'm the lead actor of the musical.
I'm not writing this because I'm a devoted member of AFT.
I'm writing this because I'm a 17year old kid who loves performing on stage. Though I'm not perfect, I love what I'm doing. On weekdays, I'm just one of the engineering students over at Singapore Polytechnic. I sleep during lectures sometimes, skip classes. Then when Friday comes and my school ends, I'm really happy.
Because the next day is Saturday.
And Saturday is the best day in the week for me.
Its coz other than the fact that I get to meet up with my HOT GIRLFRIEND AKA SACRLETT JOHANSSEN, I get to go for musical rehearsals. Something which I really enjoy doing.
Lets crank this shit up man!!!!